Collaborate more efficiently with the new Rocket.Chat’s Trello App

Marina Hudek
May 11, 2022
min read

As a team collaboration solution, we at Rocket.Chat are always looking for ways to make collaboration more efficient. Today, we are happy to announce a new app to the Rocket.Chat Marketplace that will make it even more easy for teams to work together and get more done.

Most teams use a project management app to keep up with their day-to-day tasks as well as bigger projects. That’s why we decided to enable integration with one of the most popular solutions in the project management space - Trello!

Read on to find out how to get started and how to stay on top of your Trello projects with direct access from Rocket.Chat.

Why Trello integration

You might be the Project Manager or a team member on a current project. Whatever your role in the project, you must collaborate with other members and keep them updated. So you're probably using a few tools to communicate with various teams and manage projects, Trello maybe being one of them. 

Trello is a flexible work management tool where teams can ideate plans, collaborate on projects, and organize workflows. This allows teams and individuals to track progress visually, making the whole process more effective and rewarding. 

Rocket.Chat and Trello have a common goal: to enable teams to work together and get things done. By integrating your Rocket.Chat workspace with Trello, you can avoid the time-consuming task of switching between tabs and tools to keep updates on both platforms up to date. Manage communication, collaboration, and task organization from a single Rocket.Chat interface and watch team productivity and efficiency rise.

Stay on top of your Trello projects by managing them directly from Rocket.Chat

🚀 Easily link Trello Boards with Rocket.Chat and have a full view of your Trello Cards within Rocket.Chat interface. 

🚀 Get notification in Rocket.Chat whenever any activity and updates are added to Trello Cards. This will help you focus on work instead of frequently checking Trello updates.

🚀 Start a conversation on a project referencing Trello Cards right in the Rocket.Chat interface. Discuss updates with other team members and extract the best out of your team coordination.

See it in action!

Get started in a few easy steps

Trello app is available for paid workspaces in our Marketplace.

  1. Install the Trello app from the Marketplace. 
  2. Follow the instructions to set up the app in your workspace.
  3. Authenticate your Trello account.
  4. Link your boards with the channels you want to receive updates.
  5. Start extracting the best out of your team collaboration from within Rocket.Chat

Learn more about setting up the Trello App for Rocket.Chat here

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Head of Product Marketing at Rocket.Chat. Marina keeps our readers informed about the latest Rocket.Chat product news & improvements.
Marina Hudek
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