Rocket.Chat Android 2.4 Released

Gabriel Engel
June 7, 2018
min read

Rocket.Chat is proud to announce its Rocket.Chat Android 2.4 release with the following highlighted features and changes:

  • Read receipts #1338
  • Files list now available #1304
  • Push notifications from GCM to FCM now migrated #1312
  • New notification feature that allows user #1322
  • Fixes related to push notifications #1300, #1299,
  • Google Smart Lock feature improved #1334
  • Bug fixes

Read receipts

You can now see who read the message and when. The feature needs to be enabled on the server that you're logged into in order to appear on the app.


Files list now available

The files list enables you to see all the files that have been sent on any given channel. It can be accessed on the context menu (top right) of the screen.


Push notification migration

Push notifications have been migrated from GCM to FCM. For more information, check out our newly updated guide to push notifications.

Fixes related to push notifications

  • Better multi-server support for push notifications
  • Notifications will now show when a user logs in and out with different users

New notification feature

Users can now hop to a chat room by tapping a notification.

Google Smart Lock feature improved

Google Smart Lock has been refactored for 2.4: to use it, one must now tap the key icon on the righthand side of the username/email field.


Bugs fixed

  • Fixed a bug related to starting new DMs after a search #1321
  • Fixed a bug related to offline sending messages not being sent #1316
  • Fixed a bug related to RTL layout #1301
  • Fixed download buttons #1318
  • Fixed a bug that may have been causing the Send button to stay hidden #1320


Rocket.Chat Android 2.4.0 requires:


  • Rocket.Chat Server minimum version 0.64.2
  • SSL enabled server (check your server)

Open source

Just like Rocket.Chat Server, all the code from the SDK and App are open source under the MIT license. Fork them, create new features, squash bugs and submit a pull request to share your work with the community.


Both releases were made possible by the amazing work of the following contributors. Thank you all for your commitment to Rocket.Chat.

2.3.0 and 2.3.1 Fixes:

These were predominantly crash fixes, please see #1345 and #1351 for more details.

Download and Review

You can download or update the app from the Google Play Store or download the 2.4.0.apk from the GitHub repo.

We'd also really appreciate your reviews on the Google Play Store.

Release changelogs

For a full list of features added and bugs fixed, please see the full Rocket.Chat Android 2.4,Rocket.Chat Android 2.3.2, Rocket.Chat Android 2.3.1,Rocket.Chat Android 2.3.0 release changelogs on GitHub.

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Gabriel Engel is the CEO and co-founder of Rocket.Chat, the leading open source communications platform.
Gabriel Engel
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